Winter 2023 Newsletter

Family & Community Medicine logo


The goal of the RENEW Team is to promote Recovery through ENgaging and Empowering Women. Research efforts focus on the intersection between substance misuse and women’s health. 


SOAR logo
NEW STUDY! The SOAR Study is now recruiting! This study is recruiting women over the age of 18 who are pregnant or have recently had a baby. If you or someone you know might be interested in learning more about the SOAR Study please click here: The SOAR Study 
ROBIN logo
The ROBIN Project is now recruiting participants! This study is recruiting pregnant women between the ages of 18-40 with or without an opioid use disorder. If you or someone you know might be interested in learning more about the ROBIN Project please fill out the interest form here: The ROBIN Project
The ORCHID Study is in its final recruitment push! Potential participants can still complete our quick online eligibility survey here: The ORCHID Study


Are you interested in participating in a research study? Click here for information on our current projects.



Team Member Spotlight



Alex Harris


Get to know Alex:

Alex has a background in public health and law and her desire is to support at-risk populations and promote healthier foundations for communities. She is passionate about using research to implement change not only at the levels of individual and community, but also at policy and systems levels. Alex enjoys spending time with family, cooking, exploring nature and playing board and video games.

Best thing about Alex's job:

"There is a lot to choose from! Being able to work with the community members to further research is so fulfilling. Plus, I am so grateful to be part of an amazing team that supports and challenges one another."

One of Alex's proudest moments working with the RENEW Team:

"Being able to connect with so many different programs including Child and Family Resources, Banner Hospital and Community Medical Services to share their resources and the RENEW team research opportunities. I am so proud to be part of a community that supports research and families!"

Alex's professional growth with the RENEW Team:

"I have learned so much about the detailed process it takes to start and maintain a research study. I have so much respect for the individuals and teams that guide research so the projects are both ethical and effective."



Out in the community

CFR Fair
Child and Family Resource Fair

Sept. 23, the RENEW team participated in the Child and Family Resource Fair, connecting with 43 families to share research opportunities and other resources with them.

Pictured left to right: RENEW team members, Abigail Martinez and Preeti Shaota, interacting with fair attendees

TMC Spooktacular Safety Fair

Oct 28, the RENEW team participated in the TMC Spooktacular Safety Fair, connecting with 1300+ people to share research opportunities and other resources with them.

Pictured left to right: RENEW team members, Alex Harris, Abigail Martinez and Preeti Shaota

Birth and Baby Fest

Nov 18, the RENEW team participated in the annual Birth and Baby Fest, connecting with 200 families to share research opportunities and other resources with them.

Pictured: Abigail Martinez


Team Achievements

Bio5 posters

RENEW Team Presents at BIO5 Research and Innovation Showcase

On Sept. 20, the research team of Alicia Allen, PhD, associate professor, and Linnea Linde-Krieger, PhD, assistant professor, presented five posters at the BIO5 Research and Innovation Showcase.

Their posters included:

  • Social Connectedness to Overcome Addiction and Maintain Recovery During Postpartum (SOAR): A Protocol Overview
  • Opioid Recovery and Child Development (ORCHID) Cohort Study: Protocol for the 12-Month Assessment of Risk and Protective Factors for Infant Development
  • Role of Our hormones in Bonding with Infants and New moms (ROBIN) Project: A Protocol Overview
  • Observing Relationships between Caregiving and Hormones after Infant Delivery (ORCHID): A Study Overview
  • Introducing the Scientific Hub for Empowering Research on female health Advancements (SHERA)

The goal of RENEW is to promote recovery through engaging and empowering women. Research efforts focus on the intersection between substance misuse and women’s health. 

Pictured above, left to right: Arushi Chalke, Rosalie Gordon, Jeri  Garfield, Stephanie Mallahan, and Mariana Felix

Alicia and Kristina
Congratulations to Alicia M. Allen, PhD, MPH, associate professor, and her co-author Kristina Medvescek, data manager. Their article, “Feasibility of Remotely Assessing Hormonal Contraceptive Use and Smoking-Related Symptomatology: Evidence from a Preliminary Prospective Cohort Study” was chosen as an Editor’s Pick by Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports and will be featured in College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) fall newsline Issue. 

Pictured left to right: Dr. Alicia Allen, Kristina Medvescek

On Nov. 2, Kyndall Kleinman presented at the 2023 University of Arizona Cancer Center (UACC) Annual Scientific Retreat.  

The poster included:

  • Novel Targets for Perinatal Smoking Cessation in People with Opioid Use

Pictured: Kyndall Kleinman


Studies Recruiting

From Our Partners

TMC Health Events

TMC Health offers a variety of in-person and online educational events related to pregnancy and parenting. Check out some of these opportunities HERE. Topics include:


Child Care Food Program (CACFP)

Do you take care of children in your home? You can receive extra money for nutritious meals and snacks served to children you care for, including your own children. Providers may be reimbursed for two meals and one snack or one meal and two snacks per day per eligible participant. Learn about creating healthy, fun snacks for children in your care. 

Call 520-320-4021 or CLICK HERE to learn more.

Marana Prevention Alliance (MPA)

Marana Prevention Alliance (MPA) holds a main focus of reducing substance use and misuse within our Arizona communities. The MPA works to train local partners (like Child & Family Resources) in evidence-based prevention practices, educate community members and youth, change local policies, and implement sustainable practices using the Strategic Prevention Framework model.

CLICK HERE to learn more.

Please join us for:

Thursday, January 25 • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Health Sciences Innovation Building Forum

The goal of this workshop is to leverage local expertise, identify shared priorities, engage university stakeholders, and build capacity at the University of Arizona to advance research on women’s health. This workshop will serve as a springboard for the creation of institutional infrastructure, the Scientific Hub for Empowering Research on female health Advancement (SHERA). Activities will include plenary sessions by nationally-recognized keynote speakers, participant data blitz presentations, inter-active priority setting sessions, and networking opportunities.

Additional details forthcoming including opportunities to participate and an exciting announcement of our distinguished keynote speaker!

Register HERE.

SHERA Executive Committee:

Alicia Allen, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor, College of Medicine – Tucson

Elise Erickson, PhD, CNM, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing

Leslie Farland, ScD, MSc, Associate Professor, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health

Melissa Herbst-Kralovetz, PhD, Professor, College of Medicine – Phoenix


Research Findings

We recently published a paper that outlines a fully remote protocol that may be used to clarify the relationships between hormonal contraceptive use and smoking-related outcomes over time. 

  • Medvescek K, Allen AM. Feasibility of remotely assessing hormonal contraceptive use and smoking-related symptomatology: Evidence from a preliminary prospective cohort studyDrug Alcohol Depend Rep. 2023 Mar 15;7:100145. doi: 10.1016/j.dadr.2023.100145. PMID: 37009029; PMCID: PMC10060171.

    Although half of women who smoke also use hormonal contraceptives, little is known about hormonal contraceptives influence smoking behavior. This is despite previous studies showing that ovarian hormones (such as progesterone and estradiol) change smoking behaviors and these hormones also change with use of hormonal contraceptives. In an effort to prepare for a larger study designed to learn more about how hormonal contraceptive use influences smoking behavior, we completed a study to make sure our procedures were acceptable to future study participants. In brief, we learned that we can effectively recruit nationally in a relatively short amount of time. Also, those that we recruited were highly compliant with our study methods and also were willing to complete the study again.  We hope to use these observations to secure funding for a larger study on this topic.

Follow us on social media!  

X formally known as Twitter @renewteamUA   
 Facebook  @therenewteam
Instagram @therenewteam

Youtube @RENEWTeam

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Happy holidays from all of us at the RENEW team!

happy holidays