The PEACH Project

The PEACH Project: Protecting families by Ending Addiction to Cigarettes with Hormones

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Thank you for your interest in our research study, The PEACH Project (Protecting families by Ending Addiction to Cigarettes with Hormones). The purpose of this project is to explore if using hormonal contraceptives may help women stay smoke-free after having a baby. If you participate in this study, you will be asked to do the following:

  • Attend a total of 7 clinic visits, including 2 visits before you have the baby and 5 visits after. At each visit you will complete surveys, we will measure your heart rate, blood pressure, weight, and carbon monoxide level, draw blood samples, and you will receive smoking relapse prevention counseling.
  • Be randomly assigned, like a flip of a coin, to receive one of the following treatments starting approximately four days after you have your baby: (1) progesterone and medroxyprogesterone acetate, also known as Depo-Provera (DMPA), (2) progesterone only, (3) DMPA only, and (4) placebo. Neither you nor the study staff will know what medications you received until the study is over. You will take this medication for a total of four weeks. Our hope is that this medication will help you not relapse back to smoking after having your baby.
  • Track your smoking and your menstrual cycle while you are in the study.
  • Be paid up to $691 in the form of cash and gifts for your participation.
  • While you are in the study, we will communicate with you via phone, email, text messages, and/or US mail. We may use Google Voice to correspond with you.

This study is being conducted by Alicia Allen, PhD, MPH of the Family and Community Medicine Department at the University of Arizona, and Sharon Allen, MD, PhD of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Minnesota. If you have any questions, you can contact them by phone or email:

Dr. Alicia Allen:
Phone: (520) 626-8157
Email: sends e-mail)

Dr. Sharon Allen:
Phone: (612) 624-2446
Email: sends e-mail)

This project is funded by the National Institutes of Health.

The first step to participating is to determine your initial eligibility for the study. To do this you will answer 5-10 questions, which will take about 5 minutes to complete. You will not be compensated for completing this survey.

Please note that some questions may make some people feel uncomfortable. While we need these questions in order for us to determine if you are eligible for the study, all questions are entirely voluntary. So, you can choose not to answer any question, or to stop at any time.

There are no benefits for you to complete this survey.

Click here to be directed to the survey page: